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tiges lecoultre

Jaeger Lecoultre winding stem 476 481 12A 12AD

Jaeger Lecoultre winding stem 476 481 12A 12AD 15.9 EUR

1 Tige de remontoir Jaeger Lecoultre / 1 Jaeger Lecoultre winding stem

Neuf de stock / New old stock

Tige identique pour tous les calibres suivants / Same winding stem for all following calibers :

476  481  12A 12AD

It exists different models for this caliber, depending on the diameter of the "hub" (see "C" on pics) and the diameter of the thread.

You can choose the model you need in the list :

- Thin short stem , Hub 1.10 mm , thread 0.90 mm (total length 12.4 mm)

- Thin long stem , Hub 1.10 mm , thread 0.90 mm (total length 14.2 mm)

- Thick short stem , Hub 1.50 mm , thread 1.20 mm (total length 12.3 mm)

- Thick Long stem , Hub 1.50 mm , thread 1.20 mm (total length 15.1 mm)

Le prix est pour 1 tige / the price is for 1 stem

Livrée sous film zip neutre / Shipping in neutral zip bag (the last stem of each version will be shipped with its envelope on pics)